Friday, December 18, 2009

The Devil's Advocate

I recently discovered a blog titled JammieWearingFool. These guys usually have a lot of funny criticisms and articles about the state of the political world. However, today when I was perusing their latest posts I came across this:

This bullshit gets me so angry when people hate Obama so much that they instantly turn on anybody who has a positive thing to say about him. I posted a comment on that article which I've copied and published in this post. The thoughts that I expressed to them are the following:

I have to say I think you guys are being unfair to O'Reilly. He's not backtracking on anything. He has never slobbered over Obama. What people tend to forget is that O'Reilly is an Independent, not a standard bearer for militant Conservatism like Hannity or Mark Levin (both of whom I highly enjoy watching and listening to). As such he offers an Independent analysis of what's going on. Granted, he can be naive sometimes in his desire to be "fair and balanced", sometimes giving these people too much of the benefit of the doubt.

However, if you published the whole article and didn't selectively quote it to get your viewpoint across then people would see that what the article is really about is thanking Obama for being gracious enough, despite the White House's war on FNC, to invite O'Reilly. Being invited to the White House Christmas party is an honor no matter who the President is. Hell, even O'Reilly acknowledges in the article that he's surprised he was invited given the recent events.

I understand that to you guys Obama is the Antichrist. I don't like the fact that he's President anymore than you do. I think he and his hyper-Liberal cronies in Congress are destroying this country. But your eviscerating of O'Reilly for being a normal, rational person by accepting an invitation to a prestigious event is ridiculous. Saying a positive thing about Obama here or there does not a hypocrite make. Obama is a terrible President and extremely self-obsessed to be sure but he definitely comes off like one Hell of a charming, personable guy. Despite my intense ideological differences with him I sure as Hell wouldn't mind meeting him myself.

That doesn't make me a traitor to the Conservative cause and it doesn't mean all of a sudden I'm rooting for these people to be victorious. It means I have respect for the position of President of the United States no matter who it is.

By the by, anyone who wants to read O'Reilly's whole article and analyze it for themselves can find it here:;jsessionid=08CE4FF50FFA635391F3D9B17321046D?pid=28603

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